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Interest? Airsoft Guide For Beginners [Brands, Gear, Tech, Tactics,...]

Interest? Airsoft Guide For Beginners [Brands, Gear, Tech, Tactics,…]

Airsoft can be quite overwhelming for a person that is trying to enter the sport. It is a wonderful game but the abundance of knowledge can be quite intimidating. Nobody wants to buy from a low-quality brand or be clueless when put into an action-packed field. Just like how some hobbies require an educated approach, … Read more

Top DIY Airsoft Mods

Get Creative! Top DIY Airsoft Mods [Modifications]

Have you ever had a free afternoon with nothing particularly interesting to do? Do you want to upgrade your airsoft gun but can’t afford much more than pocket change to spare? In that case, you’re lucky you’re reading this article, because there are a number of easy mods for AEGs that don’t take much more … Read more

This or That? Airsoft vs. Paintball [You Choose!]

So you’re sitting at a table with your friends, a date, or an acquaintance, and you start talking about hobbies. Inevitably, you mention that you play airsoft, only to be met with ‘That’s like paintball, right?’ Yes and no. Airsoft and Paintball are similar in that they’re both sports that involve shooting at other people … Read more